Friday, May 28, 2010

Herding 101

Ok, the rule of thumb in the herding world is Never, never, herd just one sheep. Always bring the many to the few.   Well....except when you're sheering and there's only one and you have to get it to the many...who are way off in a field as far away from the sheering clippers as they can get. Way far away! Down in the bottom of Lora's field, far away.

Yes a shearing we did go. Lora [Rocking Dog Ranch] had about 15 or so sheep to clip, so friend Traci and her dog Kant, Lora and Tattoo Jennie, with clippers in hand went to work. Beau's and my job was to take the shorn sheep and take it - nicely - into the back field. So you say...piece of cake, easy as pie. NOT! One sheep all shook up from being unceremoniously plopped on it's back, de-nuded of it's fine fleece is not a happy camper. We had our work cut out for us.

To move a nervous sheep to the back field where she couldn't even see her buddies, was a challenge. I had to keep Beau on task, keep him steady, not rush and make sure that Ms ewe made it through the gate calmly and in one piece.  We had only one rush, but after that Mr. Beau did a mighty fine job. I was very proud of my boy.

That evening, both of us were exhausted. Not from physical stress, but mental stress. I do have a good little Corgi herding dog. He's so good at chores and loves it. He may be limited in trial work, but he's a good little chore dog.

It was a fun day, I learned a ton - as I always do at Lora's Ranch.

Now if Jill would just hurry and grow up so we can get her started...patience. Time will come and then I'll have my hands full. And we will begin at the beginning...again.  Oh the joys of a journey and the paths that open up to us. Life is good.

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